Chris Riddell's Alice in Wonderland Signed First Edition


Signed First Edition - Sorry but only one per customer. A new full-colour, hard-back edition of Alice in Wonderland illustrated by Chris Riddell. Chris Riddell must have been very busy on this latest incarnation of one of the greatest children's classics, as the book is packed to the gills with illustrations making it perfect for reading together with children. Riddell has modelled his Alice on the real Alice, Alice Liddell, daughter of the Dean of the Oxford college Christ Church, which is just across the road to Alice's Shop.

Alice's Shop has a limited number of first editions with signed bookplates by the illustrator Chris Riddell, perfect as a precious keepsake for any family. The shipping fee is at the Heavy Item rate because this is a big book. We can only ship one book per order but other items can be included in the order.

Chris Riddell, is a British illustrator and occasional writer of children's stories as well as being a political cartoonist for the Observer. He has won three Kate Greenway Medals as well as the British librarians' annual award for the best-illustrated children's book.

Books that he wrote or illustrated have won three Nestle Smarties Book Prizes and have been silver or bronze runners-up four times. On 9 June 2015, he was appointed the UK Children's Laureate.